Spring Top 8

Spring Getaway Ideas on the Nova Scotia Authentic Seacoast

Spring is a special time on Nova Scotia’s Chedabucto Bay as the Atlantic coast’s giant awakes from its slumber. Lobster boats come and go with their catch. Fresh laundry flaps on backyard clotheslines and the easy pace make you feel like you’re a local.

Here are our top 8 spring vacation getaway ideas from the Authentic Seacoast 101, the definitive list of more than 101 things to do along the shores of Chedabucto Bay, the largest bay on the Nova Scotia Atlantic Coast.

1. Coastal Walking and Cycling Trails
Spring is a nice time for a walk or a bicycle ride along the sheltered coves and harbours of Chedabucto Bay and no trail is nicer that the scenic trail along the Guysborough harbour. This coastal walking and cycling trail is the start of the Trans Canada Trail in mainland Nova Scotia and follows the old Guysborough train line made famous in song by the late Stan Rogers. Bicycle rentals are available at the Authentic Seacoast Distillery & Brewery at 75 Ferry Lane.

2. Nova Scotia Cooking Classes
Spring marks the start of cooking classes at DesBarres Manor Inn and our culinary team enjoys spending time with guests in the kitchen to share some of the techniques behind our authentic East Coast cuisine. You’ll return home ready to impressive your friends with the secrets of great Nova Scotian cooking.

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3. Spring Bird Watching
Stretching to the easternmost point of mainland Nova Scotia, the Authentic Seacoast has a reputation as one of the best spots for both breeding and migratory bird watching in Nova Scotia with nearly 140 species during the breeding season. The Canso Coastal Barrens Wilderness Area is a breeding ground for a variety of gulls, cormorants, herons, terns and the Common Eider. Other special breeding birds to watch for include the Boreal Chickadee, Black-backed Woodpecker, Blackpoll Warbler and Fox Sparrow.

4. Spring Trout and Salmon Fishing
Trout fishing season opens in many areas on April 15 and local anglers say the best fishing of the year is during the spring when the coldest water is to be found in the local lakes, brooks, and streams. Local fishing lore says the trout begin biting when the Alder leaves are the size of a mouse’s ear. Spring also marks the start of the estuarial Atlantic salmon fishing season on the renowned Salmon River. The Salmon River, Milford Haven River and St. Francis Harbour River have a later start date of May 15. Guysborough is Regional Fishing Area 2 in Nova Scotia and you can consult the Nova Scotia Anglers’ Handbook for more information.

5. Spring Peepers
Frogs that is. Nova Scotia is home to eight species of frogs who gather to mate each spring in the wet habitats along Chedabucto bay. Each species has its own unique mating call and together they create a symphony of sound in communities of the Authentic Seacoast.

6. Fishing Wharves
A trip to the fishing wharf to talk with the old salts bringing in the catch is a must for any visit to the Authentic Seacoast. Spring brings a new enthusiasm to the fishing villages along Chedabucto Bay and a visit to the Canso Fisherman’s Wharf or the Guysborough Wharf to meet the lobster boat is a great experience.

7. Star Gazing
The planets take centre stage in the early spring sky with Jupiter and the Galilean satellites taking a prominent place over Chedabucto Bay. Saturn is also in a very good position in the early spring, a stunning ochre colour as midnight approaches. With binoculars, the Hercules Cluster, also known as M13, is a spectacular sight in the expansive night sky. For stargazing buffs, spring is galaxy season, and our dark skies are the perfect spot for viewing.

8. Distillery & Brewery Tours
Learn more about the award-winning spirits and craft beer produced in Guysborough at the Authentic Seacoast Distillery & Brewery. The magnificent tasting room is the perfect spot to unwind and enjoy flights of spirits and craft beer. Tours are by appointment. Call 902-533-3904 to book yours.

We hope our spring vacation ideas capture spark your travel imagination and desire to visit us at the Authentic Seacoast on Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore this spring. What more ideas? Check out our top 9 ideas for a summer getaway on Nova Scotia’s Authentic Seacoast.