Guysborough, Nova Scotia The Authentic Seacoast Company has joined the Nova Scotia bee-keeping community this year with the arrival this spring of several beehives. With over 60 pristine acres adjacent to its distillery/brewery on the historic Guysborough harbour, where it is also growing hops and grapes, Authentic Seacoast hopes to contribute to the increased awareness of the importance of bees to Nova Scotia agriculture and to our environment through sharing its experiences and products with visitors and the community.
“Bees and other insects are critical to the fabric of life and to agriculture. We aim to do our part to enhance bee populations and to raise awareness about the importance of bees. We share a culture of continuous learning on the Authentic Seacoast and we are all excited about what our bees and the bee-keeping community can teach us. If, along the way, we are able to produce high quality honey and related products to share with our fans, all the better.”, said owner Glynn Williams.
John Stapleton, General Manager, said “Our bees have joined an industrious group on the Authentic Seacoast and have fit right in. They went right to work when they arrived, foraging pollen sources in the area and coming back to support their growing community. It is a delight to watch them as they go about their business. We are optimistic that given the absence of significant industrial and heavy agricultural development in our region, that our bees will thrive and that we will be able to produce honey that is sought-after for its high quality.”
Starting at a modest scale, Authentic Seacoast expects that 2019 will be a year for experimentation and rapid learning. Several innovations in bee-keeping and honey collection will be explored during the year. Time will tell how its bee colonies survive winter conditions on the coast and what lessons are learned to be applied to expanded operations in 2020.
About Authentic Seacoast Company
Founded in 2005, Authentic Seacoast is a family-owned business headquartered in Guysborough, Nova Scotia in the branded consumer products, tourism and hospitality industries. It produces hand-crafted medal-winning fine spirits, including VIRGA® vodka, GLYNNEVAN® whisky, FORTRESS® and SEA FEVER® rums, as well as RARE BIRD® craft beers, FULL STEAM® coffees, GLANBÙRN® water, artisanal soaps, baked goods, among others. It owns and operates the elegant DesBarres Manor Inn (1837) and Osprey Shores Resort, adjacent to its showcase distillery-brewery-hopyard-apiary.